November 14, 1977 marked the first day that the doors of J.E. Russell Produce opened for business at the Ontario Food Terminal. 40 years later John Russell continues to adeptly steer the ship that he launched in to unknown waters all those years ago.
While most of the faces on the team have changed over the years, there are still some holdouts who have been here from “almost” the start. Ella Adamczyk. Tom, Peter and Robert Meschino. Billy Demeo. John Melo. There are more still who have been here for “a very long time”: Mo Nazari, Duarte Nunes, Marco Corbo, Ray Deosammy, Frank Toste, Feddy Deosammy, Dennis Halladeen, Dennis Edwards, Carlos Menes.
The reputation of the Russell in the OFT community is that of loyalty, fairness, quality and respect. The physical embodiment of this reputation and the values that John has instilled in this business are the employees of Russell, the length of their tenures and their fierce loyalty to John and the business. It’s a family that has been together through good times and tough times, and will stick together through it all.
We would like to thank all of our customers, partners, friends and families who have helped make these 40 years possible and immensely enjoyable.
Happy 40th Birthday and here’s to another 40!
1 Comment
Congratulations John on your 40 year anniversary of JE Russell Produce! Diana told me and this comes to say Mazel Tov on this great accomplishment! May your company go from strength to strength! Much continued success in providing excellence to your customers.
The Holbrooks at 14!